All in for Beloit NowAll in for Beloit Now

Beloiters have always been all in for students and alumni. Now it’s time for all of us to be all in for Beloit. Give now to honor a Beloiter who changed your life.

Here’s why your fellow Beloiters are all in, too.

  • Jonathan Mason'80

    Jon Mason’80

    Economics & International Relations

    I hated studying German so much I was about to quit. Then Professor Bob Irrmann convinced me to tough it out so I could attend a seminar in Hamburg the next year. I did. And I not only became fluent in German, I stayed to work there, leading to a long career in international business.

    Bob Irrmann
  • Bob DiLeonardi'81

    Bob DiLeonardi’81

    English Composition & Psychology

    Professor Tom McBride inspired me to appreciate the power of good writing. Thanks to his help I learned to write well, a skill that opened the doors to a variety of interesting opportunities over the years. I still use every day the basic writing and analysis skills I learned from Professor McBride 40 years ago.

    Professor Tom McBride
  • Jim Winter'97

    Jim Winter’97

    Creative Writing

    Professor Tom McBride taught me to think differently about the world. His approaches to sharing his vast knowledge with us were unorthodox but always entertaining. He challenged me to see the world differently and consider all perspectives. His unique combination of matter-of-factness and dry humor made learning from him all the more enjoyable.

    Tom McBride
  • Phil P.G. Kraemer'88

    Phil “P.G.” Kraemer’88

    Psychology & Classics

    While I was struggling in Professor Ranjan Roy’s mathematics class, I went to him for help and he kindly suggested changing course to pursue my real academic passion — the Classics. It was life-changing advice.

    Professor Ranjan Roy
  • Cecily Majerus'80

    Cecily Majerus’80


    Professor Milt Feder’s free-wheeling classroom discussions made you realize that, in life as in international relations, things are not black and white. They’re complicated, and often there’s no right or wrong. Yet no matter how intense the debate, he sprinkled in humor and showed respect for everybody’s opinion, quite eye-opening for someone fresh out of high school like me.

    Professor Milt Feder

A professor, a roommate, a mentor — who made your Beloit experience special? We’d love to hear about them.

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